An online responsive web marketplace for eLearning where college students can select courses and teachers based upon feedback from fellow students. This online platform provides an integrated whiteboard for efficient coaching classes with online exams/quizzes to gauge students’ performance.
The statement of work was to implement a responsive web & hybrid mobile application “Online Teaching Platform (with whiteboard) Marketplace” for both iOS & Android platforms. The developed solution must be capable to provide coaching institutes to join as experts and get listed for students coaching in respective fields of engineering, management, law, accountancy, etc. To be framed with a powerful admin panel integrated with Drupal, the platform should also have whiteboard facilities as well as online chat solutions.
In a discussion with the customer, there was a need for an automated platform that is to be used by students, tutors & coaching institutes. The customer wanted to develop a system where the coaching institute can share their course curriculum with complete info regarding fee structure; duration etc. and students can select a course and join any coaching institute of their choice. There was also a need for a payment integration that allows students to pay their respective fees through the platform only. The app should offer control to admin, teachers, and students altogether.
Developing an eLearning App as this came with a set of logistical challenges:
This application was developed as an online teaching marketplace to offer a combined platform to students, teachers, and coaching institutes. The coaching is available in respective areas like engineering, management, law, accountancy, etc. categories with all information about the course curriculum and fee associated with duration. The admin panel is integrated with Drupal to push content for online training. The sessions include an online video with whiteboard facilities as well as online chats. Every video session is recorded on the server side for students & references in the future. The platform also has mock exam facilities for students. Following are the features of our developed project: