It is a GIS-based mobile app that caters to the needs of businesses in advertising and campaigning agencies. This native marketing campaign app is integrated with hybrid SDK development to operate in offline mode as well.
SDK Development is the business requirement of Mobile Journey, a UK based mobile advertising agency, to capture real time and accurate data.
Building an app is more than just putting a sheer idea into action. From creating a steadfast user interface to app layout, there are plenty of exercises that have to be settled by a team of seasoned programmers. Although, the effort multiplies when the application is something that is going to target a different group of audience. To formulate this innovative solution, the team of QSS followed a dynamic approach of app development.
The technology has evolved rapidly in recent years. Whether it is about mobile devices, social media or self-driving cars, the 21st century is regarded as the age of information technology. However, despite the rapid evolution of technology, some businesses are still struggling to get noticed among the audience. Our aim is to make people aware of the mobile campaigns management solutions which are devised with SDK development
While discussing the project requirements with the client, it was observed that they need the SDK installable package to implement the mapping and movement in locations and turn prospects into customers. The native SDK development was initially planned to be configured from the backend to create geofencing, polygon etc. With the integration of SDK in the campaign management mobility solution, we are eying to leverage the client with over the top features.
The world is swamped with different kinds of digital products. However, the first step that takes all of them towards growth is user research. We surveyed some businesses in order to understand what they miss in current advertising campaign apps and what added features they think can help them in increased ROI.
When it comes to shaping up the idea into a profitable business, it is always advisable to outline the development strategy which is often referred to as a pre-development approach. Nothing can be better than a discovery workshop when it comes to the execution of the theoretical principles of the product. Whether it is about framing the product with the right arrangements or carrying out the qualitative frameworks, exploring and validating the ideas before putting is anyhow crucial.
While discussing various major components of the product, our experienced team of developers put through the user needs and discovered different opportunities. After that, the client discussed the technical aspects of SDK implementation and how they are zeroing in on to capture the advanced store location movements and requirements of SDK to work in offline mode as well. The session ended with the transition of validated ideas by putting user story mapping and roadmaps in use.
Businesses are all about stacking up against your competitors. While empowering the existing solution with SDK development, we planned on implementing the solution with advanced SDK requirements.
Our in-house team of developers found it difficult to devise the SDK using hybrid technology by natively developed code. There were plenty of other challenges faced by our development team while implementing various operations in the device.
Being a pioneering app development company, our top-notch team of developers and programmers devise the app with SDK technology by providing our client with the utmost transparency on the progress of the project.
React Native
Google Maps
Cron Job Scheduler
AES 256
We were looking for simple yet effective SDK development in our app. We are pleased to find QSS Technosoft who, along with their exceptional team, formulated SDK on expected lines.