With the introduction of the latest release of Xamarin.Forms 4.0 versions, incredible new attributes have been offered to simplify the development process of the innovative mobile apps with the use of C# programming language.
The icing on the cake is, new Xamarin.Forms Shell. It strives to decrease the intricacy level involved in mobile apps development by offering dynamic app architecture attributes, including a complete visual pyramid, shared navigation experience, URI-based routing, and cohesive search management.
Through this post, let’s try to divulge what all Xamarin.Forms 4.0 versions have to offer when it comes to Xamarin app development services.
Shell helps in streamlining and expediting the commencement of the Xamarin.Forms simply by facilitating a steered structure for the deployment of the application. It empowers the developers in xamarin app development company by providing 3 tiers of components to label the application and then takes a step back to allow them to get started with the addition of requisite content and features in the app. Simply put, it is indeed an extension of NavigationPage, TabbedPage, and MasterDetailPage.
Technically speaking, in Xamarin.Forms, Shell is basically a repository of the applications that operate on rudimentary UI attributes (which is generally used by most of the applications), thereby allowing developers to primarily concentrate on the application’s core functionalities. It comes with the following functionalities:
• The only locus to give a name to the visual structure of an application.
• A shared navigation user interface.
• A navigation provision with deep linking.
• A cohesive search manager.
These aspects of Shell have considerably reduced the magnitude of applications intricacy and also improved the developer throughput. Furthermore, Shell has been inscribed bearing in mind the two main aspects –speed and memory usage.
Important Note:
Already existing iOS and Android applications can even embrace the next-generation Shell technology and leverage from its benefits, be it navigation, performance or extensibility enhancements.
Visual: Creating Unswerving Design Across Different Platforms
Visual is a new technique introduced to create stunning mobile applications for both Android and iOS platforms with the seamless integration of Google’s Material Designs. These apps can be quite similar when it comes to style, effect, custom renderers, and a substantial allocation of time.
Visual makes everything simple by facilitating an unfailing control theme by default.Xamarin.Forms 4.0 version comprises of fundamental applications for attributes including Button, Entry, Frame, and Progress Bar. However, the developers can make attributes of both Android and iOS application look similar by performing the following step:
<ContentPage Visual=”Material”
Visuals in the Xamarin.Forms actually goes beyond the aspect of styles in order to bring in more uniformity when it comes to design and experience by swapping the renderers.
CollectionView: Swift and Scalable List
On the rising demand of the Xamarin app developers community to create advanced native list controls for improved performance, and scalability of layout and collaboration, a new CollectionView list has been included in the new Xamarin.Forms 4.0. There are basically 4 main layout arrangements that are supported by CollectionView:
• GridItemsLayout Horizontal
• GridItemsLayout Vertical
• ListItemsLayout Horizontal
• ListItemsLayout Vertical
The new list can seamlessly manage all the above-mentioned layouts and also gives access to the custom-made layouts. It is considered to be the underpinning for Carousel View. Here are some steps that can help you get started with the addition of improved control to the layout:
<StackLayout Margin=“5”>
<Label HorizontalOptions=“Fill” HorizontalTextAlignment=“Center”
Text=“Find the perfect space for your project.” TextColor=“{StaticResource ThemeColor}”></Label>
<SearchBar x:Name=“Search” HorizontalOptions=“Center” BackgroundColor=“White” TextColor=“{StaticResource ThemeColor}”
PlaceholderColor=“{StaticResource ThemeColor}” Placeholder=“Search”></SearchBar>
<CollectionView x:Name=“Spaces” Margin=“0,5,0,0”>
<GridItemsLayout Span=“2” Orientation=“Vertical” />
<Label FontAttributes=“Bold” FontSize=“18” Margin=“10,25,10,10”
HorizontalOptions=“Fill” HorizontalTextAlignment=“Center”
Text=“No results matched your filter.”></Label>
<Label FontAttributes=“Italic” FontSize=“12”
HorizontalOptions=“Fill” HorizontalTextAlignment=“Center”
Text=“Maybe try a broader filter?”></Label>
Source: DevBlogs Microsoft
Other Enhancements
Xamarin.Forms 4.0 has been released with some other improvements that can make Xamarin app development services more streamlined. Let’s have a look at them:
An update indicator was integrated, which will enable Xamarin app development company’s developers to carry out any form of modification in the color to ListView pull-to-refresh.
• Bindable Repeater control.
• Provisions to set the color of the text in the TableSection.
• Provision to hide the ScrollBars Of all the ListView.
• Inclusion of Property OnColor For the control SwitchCell.
• Addition of OnColor property for SwitchCell.
• Image button and CSS.
• Improved the Editor’s control over text prediction.
Key Takeaways
The release of the Xamarin.Forms 4.0 version has definitely made it quite clear that more improved mobile apps can be created for different platforms in a matter of no time. Everything is just at your fingertips when it comes to the development of mobile apps, be it an incredible cross-platform framework, remarkable IDE, code sharing, outstanding backend cloud services to AI and ML incorporations.
It is never been too late to get started with xamarin app development services to develop iOS and Android apps. So, if you are thinking of creating a mobile app for your upcoming project, get in touch with our experts to know more about Xamarin mobile app development now!